Hoi Wai Chau's profile

FATE Accelerated TTRPG 'SPECTER' Book Design DXB205

Group Project
Specters" immerses you in Vitramag City, a futuristic metropolis blending modern technology and ancient magic, creating a captivating cyberpunk experience. Within this city, the four royal houses—Luxenflare, Nocturn, Electrosurge, and Aerowisp—engage in intricate political maneuvers beneath neon lights. Meanwhile, the Vitramag Progress Federation propels the convergence of technology, magic, and ethics. As a player, you assume the role of an Esper, possessing mysterious abilities and the choice to become a high-tech mercenary, delve into the underworld, or pursue other thrilling paths. In this city of high-tech systems and political intrigue, utilizing the Fate system, players navigate power struggles, maintain loyalty, and forge their destinies amid opportunities and dangers. Yet, behind the city's facade, the constant threat of Specters looms, placing the story on the razor's edge between magical legacy and transcendent technology. It's a realm of adventure and discovery, where each decision resonates throughout this chaotic and fantastical city, shaping far-reaching consequences.
Group Members: Robert, Christina, Vehara, Erica, Wendy, Haley
Wonderful work! Specter is a fully realised and comprehensive world compendium with great potential for collaborative storytelling. Maps are beautifully detailed and the worldbuilding is well developed and immersive. The FAE system has been adapted in a concise and easy to understand manner that makes sense for your world. Your team development is well documented and reflections are well written. I did notice that a few of you failed to include ideas for A2 in your reflection, which has brought down your mark slightly for that section. Your adventure funnel is exemplary, and your introduction makes it very easy to pick up and play. Overall, incredibly well done all of you! You played to each other's strengths and produced a wonderful game compendium. I enjoyed reading it and look forward to seeing what you all produce for A2.
- Nadine Garland
Grade: 97.35/100 (High Distinction (7)) 
FATE Accelerated TTRPG 'SPECTER' Book Design DXB205


FATE Accelerated TTRPG 'SPECTER' Book Design DXB205
